Pies and Pastries Linbro
Our pies and pastries Linbro facitlity is a highly automated factory based in Johannesburg.
Established in 1995, this first class facility produces dry and frozen bakery products including Tubeset, muffin batters, croissants, cinnamon scrolls, place and bake frozen preformed cookies, frozen pizzas, dry bakery mixes and ready-to-eat muffins, as well as frozen pies.
Through the offering of innovative products, combined with convenience and ease of preparation, this business has become the preferred supplier and leader in muffins to the South African food service market.
Factory Information
Johannesburg, Gauteng
Product range:
Pies and bakery products
Magpie, Ma Baker, Today and Mama’s
Capacity utilization:
Origin of facility:
Acquisition of General Mills Foodservice SA business in 2015