Flexible Packaging (Baby Foods)
Our Flexible Packaging / baby Foods facility at Groot Drakenstein was established in 2017.
Our pursuit of these objectives led us to establish our Flexible Packaging / Baby Foods facility at Groot Drakenstein. Its completion in 2017 enabled bold new innovations in packaging, such as puree in a pouch. The product is 100% pure, consists of only fruit and vegetables with no additives, and is safe and convenient for babies aged 6 month+.
The facility carries a Halaal, FSSC 22000 and SGF certification and also packs other
foods, like tomato paste in flexible packaging format.
Factory Information
Groot Drakenstein, Western Cape
Product range:
Baby food in pouches; other foods in flexible packaging
Rhodes Squish, Rhodes Quality, private label
Capacity utilization:
Origin of facility:
Acquisition of Boland Pulp business in 2015